Sunday, February 24, 2008

LDD - Language driven development

The ideas of MDA (Model Driven Architectures) seems to be very promicing to me. The ideas materialized after I explored EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) and we started using it in our development. Another topic that was interesting for me is DSL (domain specific languages), I had posted about it already before. Today I found a very nice approach that merges these two different ideas into one - XMF
It seems to be very interesting approach where AFAIK language itself is a matter to change depending on the domain we are working in, and we could represent language construct (AST or similar) as a modeling object. 
Having that in place we could automate transformation between different languages and have the full traceability between different artifacts. It's only my first impressions. Guys from Ceteva coined (?) a new term - Language Driven Development. I'm eagerly reading the paper from them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Renat,

In case you missed it we have just released XMF 2.1 which is a minor update to the previous release and which includes an installer and more documentation.

Language Driven Development and Language Oriented Programming is a great approach to system development.